Physiotherapist – Ben Darcy
Name: Ben Darcy
Qualifications: Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Physiotherapy
Fees: Bulk billing with a valid EPC care plan
Interests: Spinal pain, Work injuries and Workcover
Ben studied on the Gold Coast at Griffith University before transitioning into hospital based physiotherapy. After working at Prince Charles ICU, Ben began working in private practices and travelling around Melbourne, Ballarat and Brisbane. He was also involved with sports physiotherapy for the Brisbane Broncos Reserves and other teams. Ben has been formally trained in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. He also offers dry needling / Western acupuncture, as well as manual therapy to ensure you get comprehensive and effective treatment. Treatment plans can consist of massage, trigger point therapy, home exercise prescription, vibration and electro therapy.
Ben will be available for physiotherapy at Chevron Advanced Medical from mid May 2020.